Underground Rap

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-->Main » 2009 » March » 24 » How to Upload Music Open .RAR and .ZIP files And Create .RAR and .ZIP
12:10 PM
How to Upload Music Open .RAR and .ZIP files And Create .RAR and .ZIP
First go to mediafire.com and make an account(you dont have to use mediafire but i think its the best filehosting site)
Then click upload files and pick the song you want
http://i26.tinypic.com/24dil3b.jpg  <---Visual
Click start upload then pick your folder
Once its Done Click Share
Then click any of the Two Copy Link
http://i26.tinypic.com/205rwh.jpg <----Visual
after you get the link copied go to http://Undergroundrap.ucoz.com/forum
Then Hookup section --> Albums/mixtape or Rap Songs
Then New Topic and fill out the Message Title and Message Text
Finally click create Thread and your done
http://i30.tinypic.com/w8tjpi.jpg  <----Visual

To Open albums and make them mp3
  1. Download WinRAR for windows here http://www.soft82.com/get/download/Windows/WinRAR (Yes its a trial version but that's all you need and it doesn't have a time limit I've had mine for about 3 years now
  2. Install WinRAR
  3. Right Click on the .rar file
  4. Click 'Extract Here'

  5. This also opens up .ZIP and many more plus it Also makes .RAR and.ZIP files to
  6. If you need any help please contact me at Undergroundrap21@live.com or pm me
To Make A .RAR and .ZIP file for albums
  1. Download WinRAR for windows here http://www.soft82.com/get/download/Windows/WinRAR (Yes its a trial version but that's all you need and it doesn't have a time limit I've had mine for about 3 years now
  2. Install WinRAR
  3. put all the album songs (and cover art if you want) into one folder
  4. Then highlight all the files right click then add to archive and click ok
  5. then just upload the .rar file like a song
  6. If you need any help please contact me at Undergroundrap21@live.com or pm me
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Sébastien Corchia prend son mal en patience. A huit jours de la fin du mercato, l'international Espoirs est toujours manceau. Si les contacts ne manquent pas, les propositions concrètes tardent à arriver sur le bureau du président Henri Legarda. Le revoyezvous toujoursma sortie de l'émission, je suis directement allé dans le sud de la France pour faire une promotion. Quand je suis revenu sur Paris, j'ai emmené Bruno dans une boîte très branchée et select. Nous ne nous sommes pas revus cette semaine car mon emploi du temps a été chargé, mais nous nous sommes envoyés des textos.
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